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If you do not see the size you need, we have many other sizes to choose from. There is a size just perfect for your storage needs.
Unit Size Approx. Size Items you can store
5×5 A Hall Closet Good for small items such as books, small boxes, or for the person who just needs to store those few items you just can’t get rid of.
5×10 A Walk-In Closet Great for a college students who have items from a dorm room.
10×10 A Small Bedroom This size is great for those who have a few items to store to help “DE-CLUTTERIZE” the home.
10×15 A Large Bedroom Great size for a 2 bedroom house if not storing large appliances.
10×20 A Single Car Garage This is a single car garage size. Holds approx. 1500 cubic feet.
12×30 A 1.5 Car Garage A great size for storing your boat in the winter and your sleds in the summer.
12×40 A 2 Car Garage This unit is tall enough to pull your 35’ motorhome info with Easy Access all year long.